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Congregation Bet Haverim

Simchat Torah in Bet Haverim's new building in 2015

Inspired by the chutzpah of our founders, Congregation Bet Haverim’s (CBH) mission is to promote a bold and expansive Jewish identity and culture emphasizing inclusivity, creativity, spirituality and social justice as we uphold our commitment to serve the LGBTQ and allied community.

CBH celebrates Jewish living by fostering connections to people, to spirit and to tradition.

Bet Haverim (“House of Friends”) was founded by gays and lesbians as a Jewish home where they could bring their whole selves to fully engage Judaism and Jewish life. Recognizing the value of hospitable, empowering sacred community, CBH grew to enthusiastically embrace all Jews and their loved ones, particularly those who have wandered seeking acceptance.

CBH Fall Retreat 2015 at Camp Ramah Darom

CBH today is a thriving community that celebrates diversity. We fully understand the needs of families and individuals whose history, outlook or situation means they have sometimes not felt comfortable in other Jewish environments. We take pride in our differences and our commitment to inclusion. This distinction is at the very heart of our existence, and it is why we became associated with the Reconstructionist movement.

Attend a Shabbat or holiday service, visit our community school, or drop by one of our adult education programs and you’ll see Jews of all races, Jews by choice, single parents, interfaith families, gay men, lesbians and transgender Jews, Jews with adopted children and Jews with a progressive mindset.

The daily spirit of CBH is casual, warm and sensitive. We build uplifting, new practices upon solid Jewish traditions and values. At CBH you will experience creativity, a refreshing atmosphere of accessibility and an expressive love for Judaism. You will also experience a respect for the past, an openness to change, a deep appreciation for the arts and music and a joyful approach to the responsibilities of Jewish communal life.

At Congregation Bet Haverim, we work together with a generosity of spirit to create a safe haven of acceptance.


Atlanta, GA 30329
United States


The Reconstructionist Network