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Reconstructionist Congregation Beth Israel

Temple Israel - JCC's exterior

Reconstructionist Congregation Beth Israel (RCBI) joined the Reconstructionist movement in 1997; it is now a strategic partner of Temple Israel (egalitarian Conservative) and one of two congregations at Temple Israel & Jewish Community Center (TI-JCC). RCBI is Bergen County’s only Reconstructionist congregation.

Although our history and traditions date back to the 1920s, we are an evolving Reconstructionist congregation that embraces diversity and values inclusiveness, reflecting the changing dynamics of our community and of Judaism today.  We seek to combine the best of our members’ various backgrounds, lifestyles and perspectives to create a warm atmosphere that invites exploration into Jewish texts, values and viewpoints. We maintain a strong commitment to traditions and practices that have defined us, while also adapting these traditions to the new circumstances and challenges that we face in our world today.

Our congregation enjoys a mix of rabbi-led and lay-led services every Friday night and two Saturdays a month, plus holiday services and yizkor observances. As part of the TI-JCC community, we also share services and programs with Temple Israel members. We love to sing and we incorporate a lot of music into each service as well as some chanting. Clap your hands, stomp your feet and grab an egg shaker or bells to kick it up a notch! 


Ridgewood, NJ 07450
United States

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