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A Virtual Shavuot Box

Virtual Shavuot Box


Your Virtual Shavuot Box holds many ways to celebrate this holiday. Choose what nurtures you. Eat, listen, watch or read. Chag Sameach!

We also invite you to explore other Shavuot resources by clicking here.


Read: Revealing Torah, Revealing Me: A Prayer for Shavuot

Devon Spier’s prayer/poem filled with smoke and thunderous sound explores the awesome yearning for revelation of Torah and self. Sourced from Ritualwell

tablets of ten commandments in English on sandy ground


Listen: ‘World of Your Dreams’

Debbie Friedman’s (z”l) timeless adaptation of Talmud Berachot 17a blesses us all with the light of Torah. (For the audio, scroll down to the bottom of the lyrics.) Sourced from Ritualwell

autumn forest with warm sunlit glow


Read: Shavuot

Susan Sapiro “reveals” how in ways unprecedented in Jewish history, women are renewing their connection with Sinai through study and engagement of Torah. Sourced from Ritualwell

two people studying together at a wooden table, reading a book and taking notes


Listen: ‘A Bissel’ (A Little Bit) of Art for Re-Energizing

Using art materials and creativity, Rabbi Bec Richman leads us in a meditation practice that can re-energize our spirits and offer insight into the work to which we are called. Sourced from Ritualwell

A Bissel (A Little Bit) Of Art For Re-Energizing by Reconstructing Judaism


Watch: Mizrachi Food, American Kitchen: Cooking for Shavuot

Adva Chattler opens her kitchen to share a Persian Mizrachi delicacy for Shavuot — mashka duah, a yogurt-based spread that can also be made into a refreshing drink. Sourced from Ritualwell

ceramic bowl of yogurt with cut-up cucumbers and scallions


Read: Revelation as a Gift

According to Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben, revelation is a tricky thing — an “aha moment” to which, if and when it comes, we need to pay attention. Sourced from ReconstructingJudaism.org

profile view of man in contemplation with trees in background


Read: My Fig Tree

Nancie S. Martin’s poem, alive with images of peace and our desire to quietly sit under the fig tree, offers a kavanah, an intention, before singing the words from Isaiah, “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation.” Sourced from Ritualwell

figs on fig tree



These resources were drawn from:



The Reconstructionist Network