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A Virtual Purim Box

Virtual Purim Box


Purim is nearly here! We bring you many ways to celebrate this holiday.  Chag Sameach!

Watch: A Musical Purim Celebration

RRC rabbinical students Solomon Hoffman and Adam Cerino Jones offer some Purim standards: Shoshanat Ya’akov, traditionally sung after the Megillah reading, and Hag Purim (Hava Narisha), a favorite children’s song. Sourced from Recon Connect Beit Midrash

Purim Music


Read: Four Lessons We Learn From Purim

In his d’var Torah, Rabbi Elliott Tepperman teaches about the role of chance, having fun, the importance of solidarity and how the world looks different when it’s upside-down. Sourced from ReconstructingJudaism.org

Crystal ball on tree stump reflecting surrounding wilderness


Listen: She Said ‘No’! A Purim Song

A contemporary classic recording by MIRAJ© (Margot Stein, Rayzel Raphael, Bayla Ruchama and Juliet Spitzer) that gives Vashti the credit she is due. Sourced from Ritualwell

profile view of woman in tiara with resolute expression


Read: Repeating Verses During the Megillah Reading

The custom of the reader repeating certain verses in the Megillah after the congregation first recites them is explained by Julia Andelman, who suggests that since Esther, who risks her life to save the Jewish people, some communities have begun to expand the tradition by having the congregation repeat verses about Esther as well. Sourced from Ritualwell

English and Hebrew text of chapter 8 of the Book of Esther


Read: A Reading Before ‘Kaddish’ on Purim

There are times when it’s hard to put on a joyous face. Rabbi Rachel Greengrass offers this kaddish preface for mourners during Purim. Sourced from Ritualwell

man standing in graveyard with back toward the viewer


Watch: Mizrachi Treats for Purim

B’ab’a B’tamer, an traditional Iraqi Purim treat that celebrates how Queen Esther hid her Jewish heritage from the king, is demonstrated by Adva Chattler, who lovingly learned it from her savta (grandmother). Click here for a printable recipe card! Sourced from ReconstructingJudaism.org 

Mizrachi Treats for Purim


These resources were drawn from:



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